October 26, 2017 by SC Nursing Board Attorney
A letter or a phone call from a South Carolina Board of Nursing Investigator can be extremely unnerving. Nursing board complaints often arise in the midst of dealing with other employment related issues. Clients frequently report receiving notice of a South Carolina Nursing Board Investigation following a recent termination or internal employment review.
When initiated, a nursing board complaint cannot be ignored. No matter the situation, our South Carolina nursing license defense attorneys are here to help. When retained, our attorneys will deal directly with the South Carolina Nursing Board Investigator on your behalf. We will challenge the allegations against you and prepare an aggressive statement on your behalf.
If you have received notice of a nursing board complaint and LLR investigation, a quick, confidential phone call with one of our South Carolina professional licensing attorneys may put your mind at ease. Call us today to learn more about how we can help. 803.227.4254
The steps that you take after receiving notice of the South Carolina Nursing Board Investigation are extremely important. Failure to cooperate during the course of the investigation may result in a separate violation, and in certain circumstances, a temporary suspension order (“TSO”) preventing you from further practice until the TSO is lifted.
Tips to consider when dealing with a South Carolina Board of Nursing Complaint include:
Our professional license defense team understands the impact that a nursing board complaint can have upon your life, and how potential disciplinary action against your license can hurt your personal and professional livelihood. Contact a member of our team to learn more about the process and what you can expect.